28th July 2020

Shri Prahlad Singh Patel

Hon’ble Minister of State for Tourism (IC) 

Ministry of Tourism

Government of India

New Delhi 


Sub: Request to help the tourism industry for survival and save jobs

Hon’ble Minister Sir,

May I request you to recall our discussion we had in your office on 27th May 2020 and our subsequent letter sent to you on 2nd June 2020 and 4th July 2020, seeking your help in getting some relief for the tourism industry for their survival and revival of tourism post Covid-19.

Sir, there seems to be no hope of survival of tourism industry due to the present situation. Some of our members have either closed their business and some are on the verge of closing it. Our members have no funds even to meet the operational expenses and pay salaries to the staff who have been retained.

Tour operators are now eagerly looking towards the government to announce the SEIS Scrips for F/Y 2019-20 as since 2015 with the help of SEIS benefits, tour operators are utilizing these funds to attract foreign tourists to India and increase India’s share of business by counteracting neighbouring countries with the following measures :-  


  1. Considering the expectation of getting SEIS of 2019-20, tour operators have already passed on the added value to their foreign tour operators/ tourists in order to compete with our foreign countries and divert tourists to India.        
  2. Giving competitive package tours to foreign tour operators/clients to compete with our neighbouring countries and add value for tourists’ products.
  3. Door to Door Overseas Sales Promotion and Marketing through sales tours. 
  4. Printing of brochure in different foreign languages, create website and online promotion showcasing Indian tourism products, Culture, Heritage, History, best available hotels and palaces.
  5. Marketing and promotions through participation in International travel marts/exhibitions/expo and road shows covering all source markets and emerging markets. 
  6. Showcasing India by extending Familiarisation Tours foreign tour operators in collaboration with hotel Industry for mutual benefits.


Sir, Now Tour Operators cannot survive without the SEIS benefits considering the facts that there is no business since March 2020. We are in urgent need of funds and in view of the above, we will greatly appreciate if you could kindly impress upon the Hon’ble Commerce Minister to announce the SEIS for the Financial Year 2019-20 at the earliest.  


Sir, You are our only hope who can help us and we are fully confident that you will consider our request thereby saving the Tour Operators from collapsing.

We assure you that when the situation is back to normal, we shall do our best to support your announcement of 20 million foreign tourists visiting India by 2024.                                              

Thanking you and with best regards, 


Pronab Sarkar


Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO)

(M) 9811102111


Copy to:- Mr. Rakesh Kumar Verma, Joint Secretary (Tourism), Ministry of Tourism, Government of India