4th July 2020

Shri Prahlad Singh Patel

Hon'ble Minister of State for Tourism (IC)

Ministry of Tourism

Government of India

New Delhi

Sub: IATO meeting with Mr. Amitabh Kant, CEO, Niti Aayog -  for request
to help the tourism industry for survival

This is reference to our meeting in your office on 27th May 2020,
wherein we had sought your help in getting some relief for the tourism
industry for their survival and revival of tourism post Covid-19.

During the meeting you had advised us to remain in touch with Niti

Accordingly, we met Mr. Amitabh Kant, CEO, Niti Aayog on 2nd July 2020
in his office and requested to help the tourism industry who are in
distress due to Covid -19 Pandemic.

A copy of the letter which we have given to Mr. Amitabh Kant is

The issues raised are the same which we discussed with you in your
office on 27th May 2020 and we sought your help.

May I request our recommendation made to Niti Aayog are also forwarded
by your good office to Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce and
Niti Aayog.

Thanking you and with best regards,


Pronab Sarkar


(M) 9811102111

Copy to:- Mr. Rakesh Kumar Verma, Joint Secretary (Tourism), Ministry of
Tourism, Government of India

Click here to see the document