About Travelcart India
The Travel landscape has changed considerably from the time we left professional school to take up our full time careers in the tourism industry.
From acting as a conduit between guests and airlines and issuing carrier – specific tickets to the widespread use of GDS with a carrier agnostic ticketing system, from handling fixed –departure groups to the Indian sub continent to presently handling FIT guests with special interests, travel to India has come a full circle.
When we launched Travel Cart, our vision was of an increasingly connected world, where disparate systems converge to provide guests and travelers experiences that are bespoke, enriching and transparent.
Understanding these changing times, Travel Cart believes our mission and the future of our business rests on creating great travel journeys, using technology as an enabler. Towards those goals, we have become fully technology focused, providing our guests a companion Mobile App, which safe-keeps all guest vouchers, aids in locating interesting eateries and suggests great shopping options.
We hope to also be able to provide web check-in to our guests in time, provided our co-partners in your happiness;
hotels and accommodation units, join us on our `guest delight’ journey. However, with all these innovations, our Core values remain the same, values we took an oath on when we began seven years ago. And they are:
1. We will be a transparent company always open to sharing any information the guest requests including hotel rates, package costing break-up and any information relevant to your holiday package
2. We will not compromise on the quality of the people we work with, our employees and suppliers, even if it means taking a hit on our bottom-line once in a while, because we believe profit is only a consequence of our efforts and not the end goal of our business
3. We will listen and learn from our guests as we often say within our office, `The only way to be a great host is to be a great listener’.
We hope our vision of a connected world with a mission to deliver based on old age values of honesty and transparency will provide our guests a wonderful experience of our country, the place we call `Home’.
Specialization Detail:
Our History
What makes us different!
Our services cover the entire gamut of delighting our guests from understanding their holiday needs to customizing holiday packages to the Indian subcontinent. However, we try to do things differently. Some notable points we believe makes us different.
1. Live, on –the - go experiences enrich holidays
We build holidays packages for any route and destination across the country like all tour companies do but unlike others, `we want more for you’ and so as your journey progresses, we look out for live experiences and take our guests on a short de-tour to experience these unique experiences, be it a cattle market in session, a festival procession in flow, a live working coir factory enroute or a Thursday local flea market, participate in harvesting spices; experiences that cannot be bracketed or compartmentalized into regular packages.
2. We love your feedback
Our growth story has been a success because we listen and not hear. We ensure we keep in touch with you on a daily basis, asking for your feedback on your stay, the places you visited, the people you met,
the professionalism and knowledge of our guides and suppliers and at the end of your journey we record your feedback on our Mobile App, just so that the next traveler makes the right choices and also because, we at Travel Cart, value feedback, we love to listen!
3. We are sticklers for safety
Keeping our guests safe is not about employing bouncers or body-guards, but by enabling our chauffeurs with navigational technology and providing our guests with the `right’ advice. All our vehicles are GPS enabled and so we are alive to the speed and route map of your vehicle to ensure everything is in perfect order.
As important as technology is, we advise our clients on what, where to eat and what, where not to eat, dress codes, acceptable behavior and also on how to make friends with locals, each as important as any technology to be safe.
4. We love research
At Travel Cart, we have our own research and product team to find and locate special events, temple festivals and incorporate the same into your holiday, often enough becoming the highlight of your journey with us!
Brief details about the services offered:
We provide all tour agency services to ensure you have a wonderful holiday. The list of our regular services for `list lovers is below’.
1. Creating and operating customized holidays in the Indian subcontinent, particularly by ourselves in Southern India and with local partners for the rest of the country.
2. Helping in booking tickets, arranging language guides, creating special events and booking activities on the fly.
3. Booking hotels, houseboats, homestays, special interest entry tickets, festival entry tickets and any thing else you ask !
4. Arranging special interest tours that include bird-watching, cycling tours, kayaking cruises, camping and trekking up the Western Ghats and weddings too!
5. Providing transport services with our trained chauffeurs
Contact Details:
Name of the Company: TRAVELCART INDIA PVT. LTD.
Designation: DIRECTOR
Pincode: 682024
Email: mail@travelcartindia.com
Phone: 0091 - 484 - 266 3533
Mobile: 0091 - 944 716 9933 / 944 706 9922
Website: www.travelcartindia.com