Welcome to Gujarat Journeys -
Every journey you take begins with a single step; your journey into Gujarat is a journey into its amazing 2500yrs of history. Gujarat is a multi-hued state and it’s difficult for anybody to discover all the shades of Gujarat on a single tour so it’s called a JOURNEY. Gujarat is a state with a history which dates back from 2500BC having left footprints of the different civilization that had thrived in this region to the 21st century shopping mall culture. We at Gujarat Journeys welcome you with a promise to make your journey in this state a memorable one. We make our travellers experience and understand a deeper meaning to what they do and how they experience the different facets of Gujarat. We mainly focus on its natural and cultural delights, holy sites and temples, monuments and archaeological sites, fairs and festivals, off beat destinations, tribes and textiles and the unmatched warmth and hospitality of its people.
Premila owner of Gujarat Journeys is a mangloriean, born and brought up in Mumbai the city of seven islands, she has travelled to various parts of India and since more than 1 decade is settled in Gujarat. An alumnus of RD National Collage in Mumbai she graduated in BA economics and ancient Indian civilization.
Since Gujarat is just growing and is like a new star in the travel industry she decided to launch her own company, she has been associated with travel industry since almost last 7 years. Premila herself designs new itineraries for Gujarat Journeys the company owned by her. Every little thing is taken care in designing the journey and experiences from the Guest point of view. She loves to give first hand information about Art, Craft History, Natural beauty, Spiritual, Archaeological and culture of Gujarat with insight and different perspectives.
She is a very determined and focused person and puts her heart and soul into her work and works with positive attitude and intrapersonal skill and sharp with to tackle issue and win friends. She travels with her son and husband and can make friends with local and perfect strangers at a drop of a pin because of her human approach.
Being extremely passionate about travelling and meeting people she has the ability to give add ons on the designed journeys, be it a work shop with national award winning artisans a culinary class on Gujarati delicacy, stop at a village house for a cup of tea or tasting hot bread being cooked in villages.
Specialization Detail:
We at Gujarat Journeys welcome you with a promise to make your journey in this state a memorable one. We make our travellers experience and understand a deeper meaning to what they do and how they experience the different facets of Gujarat. We mainly focus on its natural and cultural delights, holy sites and temples, monuments and archaeological sites, fairs and festivals, off beat destinations, tribes and textiles and the unmatched warmth and hospitality of its people.
Brief details about the services offered:
We cater to Leisure Groups, Individual Traveller and also Special Interest Groups, we have a edicated team of experts who are well travelled in this region and are at your service to transform your idea and mix it with our knowledge to create a great journey for you. State of Gujarat boasts of a rich and varied cultural heritage, which is reflected in its arts, music, cuisine, literature, religious traditions etc.
Contact Details:
Name of the Company: GUJARAT JOURNEYS
Contact Person: MRS. PREMILA G. POPAT
Designation: PROPRIETOR
Pincode: 380015
Phone: +91-79-40321366