29th October, 2020

To All Members

Dear All,

Subject : : Dekho Apna Desh Webinar series: Episode 62- River Cruising- The ultimate tourism experience 31st October 2020.

We have received an email from Ministry of Tourism (appended) stating that a webinar will be organized on Saturday, 31st October 2020 (1100-1200 hrs.) on the topic “River Cruising- The ultimate tourism experience”.

To Register :http://bit.ly/CruiseTourismDAD

With regards

Rahul Chakravarty



Subject: Dekho Apna Desh Webinar series: Episode 62- River Cruising- The ultimate tourism experience 31st October 2020

Dear Sir / Madam,

Following are the details of webinar being organised on Saturday, 31st October 2020 (1100-1200 hrs.) on the topic “River Cruising- The ultimate tourism experience”.

Kindly request your members, faculty, students and friends to register and join the webinar. Registration link for the webinar is in the description below:

Some rivers in India are considered as gods and goddesses and revered, while others are the lifelines of the settlements around them. Such is the prominence of rivers in India that the country itself has been named after the Indus river the finds mention in Indian epics.

Let's explore the unexplored part of the Tourism- The River Tourism!!

Please register here: http://bit.ly/CruiseTourismDAD

Presented by:

Raj Singh- Chairman, Antara Cruises

India Tourism offices in India and overseas are requested to circulate the above amongst the tour operators, opinion makers, etc. in the area of their jurisdiction.

IT Division of MOT is requested to amplify the above webinars on the Incredible India website.



Team MOT
Dekho Apna Desh Webinar Series
Ministry of Tourism
Government of India
New Delhi

Click here to see the attachment