20th August 2016
All Members, 
Subject: Madhya Pradesh Tourism Awards 2016
Placed below please find an email received from MP Tourism regarding Madhya Pradesh Tourism Awards 2016 . 
Members who wish to file their nomination/registration for MP Tourism Awards, may do so 27th August 2016  on their website  http://mpstdc.com or http://mpstdc.com/award/web/index.aspx
With regards, 
Lally Mathews
Hony. Secretary

Respected Mr President
Greetings from M P Tourism
M P Tourism Awards are going to take place on 27th of September 2016 at Bhopal, the capital of M P, We would like to invite the National level Travel Agents and Tour Operators to fill up our online registration forms and apply for the for the M.P.Tourism awards for the Best agent. Our MP Tourism website : www.mptourism.com  is containing following details:
CATEGORY 1 - (A Best  Tour Operator (NATIONAL) . Foreign Exchange Earning of Rs 5 Crore and above.
To recognise the efforts in increasing the Tourist inflow to MP and positioning MP in India And abroad.
The travel agent who is member of any Travel Association - IATO, TAAI, ATOI, ADTOI etc and doing business of Inbound and domestic travels.
Eligibility  Criteria
The travel agent who is member of any Travel Association - IATO, TAAI, ATOI, ADTOI etc and doing business of Inbound and domestic travels.
CATEGORY 1- (B)  A Best  Tour Operator (NATIONAL) . Foreign Exchange Earning of Below Rs 5 Crore 
To recognise the efforts in increasing the tourist in flow to MP and positioning MP in India And abroad.
Eligibility  Criteria
The travel agent who is member of any Travel Association - IATO, TAAI, ATOI, ADTOI etc and doing business of Inbound and domestic travels.
We request you to kly send this mail to your all the members in all over India to enable us to do the justice with our award categories. 
Last day of filing the nomination is dt.27th Aug 2016.
Please also find attached invitation for the same.
With Warm Regards
Dr.Mamta Pandey
Sr. Liaison & Marketing Officer
Mob No:09313104935
MP State Tourism Dev.Corp.Ltd
Mkt Office Delhi
Room No:- 3 & 4,
Hotel Janpath,
C.P, New Delhi-01
Contact: 011-23341185-86-87
Fax: 011-23347264