Dekho Apna Desh Webinar series: Episode 54: Promoting Destinations with Cuisines (19th September 2020)(1100-1200 hrs.)
17th September, 2020
To All Members,
Dear All,
Subject: Dekho Apna Desh Webinar series: Episode 54: Promoting
Destinations with Cuisines (19th September 2020)(1100-1200 hrs.)
We have received an email from Ministry of Tourism ( appended ) on a
Webinar to be organised on Saturday, 19th September 2020(1100-1200
hrs.) on the topic “Promoting Destinations with Cuisines”.
To register :
With regards,
Rahul Chakravarty
From: Bharti Kashyap Sharma []
Sent: 16 September 2020 14:38
Subject: Dekho Apna Desh Webinar series: Episode 54: Promoting
Destinations with Cuisines (19th September 2020)
Dear Sir / Madam,
Following are the details on webinar being organized on Saturday, 19th
September 2020(1100-1200 hrs.) on the topic “Promoting Destinations
with Cuisines”.
Kindly request your members, faculty, students and friends to register
and join the webinar. Registration link for the webinar is in the
description below:
_India is a land with varied cuisines. Each state, area and region has
unique traditional dishes which are suited to its climate and the
grains, vegetables, spices, herbs and fruits which are locally
available. Our traditional cuisine is not only delicious, it is also
extremely healthy and the spices and herbs added to the dishes help
boost immunity. In the webinar, we will be focusing on some traditional
dishes from three states – Awadh, Uttaranchal, and Delhi. Three of our
chefs will be discussing highlights of respective cuisine and also
giving out recipes of some traditional dishes. Another unique feature of
Indian cuisine is Lassi, which is consumed in many local variants and
has health benefits due to probiotics present in the yoghurt. The chefs
will also discuss some variants of Lassi from different parts of the
country. _
Please register here: [1]
Presented by:
1. Radha Bhatia – Chairperson – Bird Group
2. Anooj Wadhawan – Executive Chef - Roseate House- New Delhi
3. Chetan Rana – Executive Sous Chef – The Roseate Ganges –
* Anand Panwar – Executive Pastry Chef – The Roseate – New Delhi
India Tourism offices in India and overseas are requested to circulate
the above amongst the tour operators, opinion makers, etc. in the area
of their jurisdiction.
IT Division of MOT is requested to amplify the above webinars on the
Incredible India website.
Team MOT
Dekho Apna Desh Webinar Series
Ministry of Tourism
Government of India
New Delhi