10th September, 2020


All Members

Subject : Dekho Apna Desh Webinar series: Episode 53: In the Footsteps of the Buddha on 12th September 2020

Dear All,

We have received an email (appended) on a webinar to be organized on
Saturday, 12th September 2020 (1100-1200 hrs.) on the topic “In the
Footsteps of the Buddha”.

To register : http://bit.ly/BuddhismDAD

Rahul Chakravarty


Subject: Dekho Apna Desh Webinar series: Episode 53: In the Footsteps of the Buddha on 12th September 2020

Dear Sir / Madam,

Following are the details on webinar being organised on Saturday, 12th September 2020 (1100-1200 hrs.) on the topic “In the Footsteps of the Buddha”.

Kindly request your members, faculty, students and friends to register and join the webinar. Registration link for the webinar is in the description below:

Shakyamuni Buddha discovered the truth of overcoming suffering and bringing happiness to the individual, family and society. Before he died, the Buddha had suggested that it would be of great benefit to those who are interested in his teachings to make a pilgrimage to the places associated with his life. Dharmacharya Shantum will guide us today, on a virtual journey across the plains of the river Ganges to Bodh Gaya, where the Buddha attained enlightenment, the Deer Park at Sarnath, where he gave his first teachings. We will also visit his favorite meditation places such as Vulture Peak in Rajgir, the Jeta
Grove at Sravasti (where he spent 24 rainy season retreats), the site at Kapilavastu, where he spent his childhood and Kushinagar, where he passed away.  Dharmacharya Shantum will tell stories of the Buddha’s life and give teachings to help us understand the Buddha as a human being, his life and the significance of what he taught.

Please register here: http://bit.ly/BuddhismDAD

Presented by: Dharmacharya Shantum Seth- Guiding Teacher/Founder, Buddhapath/Ahimsa Trust

India Tourism offices in India and overseas are requested to circulate the above amongst the tour operators, opinion makers, etc. in the area of their jurisdiction.

IT Division of MOT is requested to amplify the above webinars on the
Incredible India website.


Team MOT
Dekho Apna Desh Webinar Series
Ministry of Tourism
