3rd September, 2020

To All Members,

Subject: Invitation for Dekho Apna Desh webinar " Northeast India-A
hotspot for Wildlife Tourism"

Dear All,

We have received an email from Indiatourism, Guwahati (appended) that
they will organize a webinar on the topic "Northeast India-A hotspot for
Wildlife Tourism" in connection with Dekho Apna Desh on 4th
September,2020 at 04:00 PM.

The link. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88422478504 [1]

Meeting ID :  88422478504

No Passcode

Rahul Chakravarty



The President of IATO/ ADTOI


This is to inform you that Indiatourism, Guwahati will organize a
webinar on the topic " Northeast India-A hotspot for Wildlife Tourism"
in  connection with Dekho Apna Desh on 4th September,2020 at 04:00 PM.

You are requested to inform your members to register and join the
webinar in the below link.

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88422478504 [2]

Meeting ID :  88422478504

No Passcode


D.K. Mandal

Assistant Director


  _Indiatourism, Guwahati_

  _Ministry of Tourism, Government of India_

Assam Paryatan Bhawan, Paltan Bazar

Guwahati-781008, Assam

Tel:   0361 - 273 7556

Fax:  0361 - 273 7553

Toll Free Multi -Lingual Tourist Info Line- 1800-11-1363/1363

Email:      indtourguwahati@nic.in / guwahatiindiatourism@gmail.com

Website:   www.incredibleindia.org [3] / www.tourism.gov.in [4]
