18th August 2020

To All Members,

Sub: Webinar on 20th August 2020 (Thursday) from 1100-1200 hrs on the topic ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT – ISSUES CONFRONTING TOURISM & TRAVEL INDUSTRY.

Dear All,

This is further to our email regarding webinar being organized by the Ministry of Tourism on 20th August 2020 at 1100 hours on our issues with MSME. Placed below please find email received from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India regarding Webinar on 20th August 2020 (Thursday) from 1100-1200 hrs on the topic ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT – ISSUES CONFRONTING TOURISM & TRAVEL INDUSTRY.

The webinar will focus on issues related to MSME Sector & its classification, Registration Process for MSMEs, Credit / Finance Schemes of the Ministry of MSME for the Services sector, Public Procurement Policy, etc. The objective of this webinar is to provide information and guidance to the members who benefit from the various elements and schemes of MSME. The session will be chaired by Shri  Devendra Kumar Singh, Additional Secretary & Development Commissioner, Ministry of MSME. Registration link for the webinar is as follows below:

Members who wish to attend, need to register in advance on the above link. After registration, you will receive the meeting joining link on your registered email id. Members are requested to attend in large numbers to get the advantage of the webinar.
Thanks and regards,

Rahul Chakravarty

Subject: Webinar on 20th August 2020 (Thursday) from 1100-1200 hrs on the topic ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT – ISSUES CONFRONTING TOURISM & TRAVEL INDUSTRY. REGISTRATION LINK

Dear Sir / Madam,

 As you are aware the travel, trade and hospitality industry is undergoing a challenging time because of COVID-19. With the objective of providing information and guidance to the stakeholders on benefit from the various elements and schemes of MSME, the Ministry of Tourism is organizing a webinar on 20th August 2020 (Thursday) from 1100-1200 hrs on the topic ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT – ISSUES CONFRONTING TOURISM & TRAVEL INDUSTRY.
The webinar will focus on issues related to MSME Sector & its classification, Registration Process for MSMEs, Credit / Finance Schemes of Ministry of MSME for the Services sector, Public Procurement Policy etc. The session will be chaired by Shri.  Devendra Kumar Singh, Additional Secretary & Development Commissioner, Ministry of MSME. Registration link for the webinar is as follows below:

You are requested to circulate the information to your members to register for the webinar. Domestic India Tourism offices are requested to circulate the above information amongst the tour operators and other stakeholders in the area of their jurisdiction. IT Division of MOT is requested to amplify the above webinars on the Incredible India website.

Bharti Sharma Asst DG(DO)

Dekho Apna Desh Webinar Series
Ministry of Tourism
Government of India
New Delhi

18th August 2020

To All Members,

Sub: Workshop Webinar on MSME for IATO members on Thursday, the 20th August 2020 at 1100 to 1200 hrs being organized by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India

Dear All,

On IATO’s request, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India is organizing a Workshop Webinar on MSME for IATO members and other stakeholders in the tourism industry on Thursday, the 20th August 2020 at 1100 to 1200 hours. Mr. Devendra Kumar Singh, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of India will be the guest speaker.

 The general questions, which we have raised for clarification are as under:-

1.       Procedure for registration with MSME
2.       Criteria for Registration with MSME for tour operators
3.       Interest rate, quantum, and duration of MSME Loan
4.       Benefits of registration with MSME
5.       Can the loan be availed by those who do not have a relationship or previous loan from the bank
6.       Tour operators have been put in the negative list by the banks as per RBI directives. This needs to be clarified.

Besides the above clarification, there will be question-answer session, where members can get any other clarification they need. To save time, members can send their questions in advance, which we can compile and send to the Ministry/MSME. Link for registration for the webinar will follow soon and members need to register in advance. Members are requested to attend in large numbers to get an advantage and block this date/time in your diary.
Thanks and regards,

Rahul Chakravarty