9th August 2020

To All Members,

Sub: Dekho Apna Desh Webinar from 10th -15th August 2020 celebrating
Independence day

Dear All,

Coinciding with celebration of Independence Day, Ministry of Tourism
Government of India is Dekho Apna Desh Webinars from 10-15 August 2020
as per following:-

10th August 2020 at 1100-1200 hrs - Cellular Jail : Letters, Memoirs and

Joining link - https://bit.ly/CellularJailDAD [1]

12th August 2020 at 1100-1200 hrs - Lesser-known stories of India’s
struggle for Independence

Joining Link - https://bit.ly/LesserKnownDAD [2]

14th August 2020 at 1100-1200 hrs -   Jallianwala Bagh: A Turning Point
in the Freedom Struggle

Joining Link - https://bit.ly/JallianwalaBaghDAD [3]

15th August 2020 at 1100-1200 hrs - Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel –
Architect of United India

Joining Link - https://bit.ly/StatueofUnityDAD [4]

Members who wish to join the above webinars need to register in advance
on the link given above.

Thanks and regards,

Rahul Chakravarty


 From: Bharti Kashyap Sharma [mailto:dad.webinar@gov.in]
  Sent: 08 August 2020 23:27
  To: iato@airtelmail.inadmin@iato.in;

Subject: Dekho Apna Desh Webinar from 10th -15th August 2020 celebrating
Independence day

Dear Sir / Madam,

The Ministry of Tourism is organising following webinars from 10th to
15th August 2020 to mark the celebration of Independence Day.   Kindly
request your members, faculty, students and friends to register and join
the webinars.

   Sl. No

Subject &      Presenter

     Date/ Time

Registration link

  Cellular Jail : Letters, Memoirs and Memories_

  Presented by India City Walks_

  Speakers :

  Ms. Nidhi Bansal, CEO, India City Walks & India with Locals

  _Dr. Soumi Roy, Head of Operations, India with Locals and India
Heritage Walks  _

  _Ms. Somrita Sengupta, City Explorer, India City Walks_

10th August 2020


The forbidden high walls on the Andaman Islands constructed by the
English colonial rule in the year 1896 brings back tales of atrocities
and adversity. The penal colony has witnessed thousands of Indian
freedom fighters suffering the tyranny of the colonial power in the name
of justice.  Dreaded by all, Kala (Black) Pani (Water) has heart
wrenching accounts of our revolutionaries and martyrs. This webinar
takes you on a journey of India’s Independence struggle through the
galleries and cells of the Cellular Jail.

In this session we will be sharing with you the stories from the lives
of some of the most famous political prisoners like Veer Savarkar, B.K
Dutt, Fazl-e-Haq Khairabadi, Barindra Kumar Ghose, Sushil Dasgupta and
many more; understanding the tasks the freedom fighters had to do in
their day to day life as  inmates in jail and decoding the jail’s
architectural pattern. The story of Andaman is incomplete without Netaji
Subhas Chandra Bose and hence, our journey on this webinar will conclude
with him and his contribution to India’s Independence.

Please register here:

https://bit.ly/CellularJailDAD [5]

Lesser-known stories of India’s struggle for Independence

Presented by Story trails

Speakers: Mrs. Akila Raman and  Ms. Nayantara Nayar

12th August 2020


Have you heard the story of the fearsome queen of Sivaganga who defeated
the British? Do you know why a garden in Mumbai carries the name of a
British journalist? What does an obscure house in Madurai have to do
with an iconic image of the Indian independence movement?
  Storytrails, in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism, presents
'Lesser-known stories of India's struggle against the British'. Listen
to the stories of men and women who fought against the British; stories
of courage and hope; of events that unfolded at different points in
time; and stories that history books often miss.

Please register here:

https://bit.ly/LesserKnownDAD [6]


Jallianwala Bagh: A Turning Point in the Freedom Struggle

Presented by Ms. Kishwar Desai

Chairperson, The Partition Museum

14th August 2020


This talk will explore the oppression that led up to the terrible
massacre of 13 April 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar, as well as
the terrible events that followed. And importantly, it will examine how
this massacre was the spark that lit the Freedom Struggle.

Please register here:

https://bit.ly/JallianwalaBaghDAD [7]


Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel – Architect of United India

Presented by Gujarat Tourism

Speaker: Shri Sanjay Joshi

Additional Collector and Chief Manager

Statue of Unity, Government of Gujarat.

15th August 2020


Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel - Iron man of India was a visionary statesman
and Architect of United India. He was the first Deputy Prime Minister of
India. He not only played a pivotal role in India's struggle for
independence, but also played the most crucial role in uniting India
after independence. The Statue of Unity – the tallest statue on earth
is developed in the respect of Sardar Patel. The statue stands 182
metres high, making it the one of the tallest monuments in the world.
This webinar will be introducing the viewers to the places associated
with the life of Sardar Patel.

Please register here :

https://bit.ly/StatueofUnityDAD [8]

India Tourism offices in India and overseas are requested to circulate
the above amongst the tour operators, opinion makers, etc. in the area
of their jurisdiction.

IT Division of MOT is requested to amplify the above webinars on the
Incredible India website.


Team MOT
  Dekho Apna Desh Webinar Series
  Ministry of Tourism
  Government of India
  New Delhi