TravTalk Tourism Conclave on Friday May 15
12th May, 2020
To All Members
Subject: TravTalk Tourism Conclave on Friday May 15
Dear All,
Trav talk has structured a platform for tourism professionals to hear thought-leadership presentations, exchange views and engage in conversations with fellow professionals and help the industry bounce back and here it needs the attention of the valued members of IATO.
Three appointed panel discussions scheduled for the TravTalk digital conclave are on diverse themes. Please find them appended with the links for registration. IATO will be a part of the panel discussion
1. Session one: 10am to 11am-
The reality of no tourism
2. Session two: 11:15am to 12:15pm.
Hotels in the age of social distancing. Where are the robots?
3. Session three: 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Big ticket business! When do we start looking at weddings, corporate and MICE travel!
Members are requested to register for the Panel Discussions.
The Email from Trav Talk is produced below for your ready reference
Thanking you and with best regards,
Rahul Chakravarty
Subject: TravTalk Tourism Conclave on Friday May 15
Dear Sir,
TravTalk presents its digital conclave on Friday May 15, 2020.
While it’s a new way forward for us, we had to take these steps in challenging times for our industry. In these uncertain times, we are trying our best to bring the industry together and brainstorm over some ideas on the way forward. No one anticipated the impact of COVID 19 or has seen anything like this before. While there is no one solution to today’s problems, we hope that our panel discussions can help show the way forward and highlight out of the box ideas.
We have structured the entire conclave as a platform for tourism professionals to hear thought-leadership presentations, exchange views and engage in conversations with fellow professionals and help the industry bounce back.
We would really appreciate if you could share this email and the registration details with your membership. This online conclave is complimentary for all.
Please use the below links to individually sign-up for the 3 panel discussions scheduled for the TravTalk digital conclave.
Session one: 10am to 11am-
The reality of no tourism
Session two: 11:15am to 12:15pm.
Hotels in the age of social distancing. Where are the robots?
Session three: 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Big ticket business! When do we start looking at weddings, corporate and MICE travel!
Thank you in advance for supporting our endeavour
Kind Regards
Team TravTalk
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