IATO 2nd Webinar - Employer & Employee Relationship in light of Covid -19 and Lockdown and how to move forward” at 5 PM on Tuesday, the 12th May 2020
11th May 2020
To All Members,
Sub: IATO 2nd Webinar - Employer & Employee Relationship in light of Covid -19 and Lockdown and how to move forward” at 5 PM on Tuesday, the 12th May 2020
Dear Members,
IATO organised a webinar on the 30th April 2020 for the members on the subject “Employer & Employee Relationship in light of Covid -19 and Lockdown and how to move forward”.
During the webinar, members expressed their difficulties being faced by them due to Covid-19 as there is zero business, zero billing and zero cash flow and they do not know when tourism is going to revive.
Due to the above, IATO Members/Tour operators are facing lot of problems for survival and paying salaries to their staff and meet the office expenses.
During the webinar members sought IATO’s guidance on HR Policy matters especially on the following issues and requested if IATO can help them in providing the draft letters through HR experts:-
1.Salary deduction
2.Previlede Leave adjustment
3.Long leave without pay
4.No work no pay
5.Pay as per no of days (20 days’ pay per month)
6.Retrenchment due to COVID-19
Accordingly IATO approached Mr. Sanjay Lakhotia, CEO Think Noble House, an HR company to give us the above draft letters and also to be the speaker and interact with our members during the webinar to be organised by IATO.
- We have received the attached draft letters from Think Noble House for your information.
Encl: IATO_draft_for_employee_management.docx
- Further, IATO is organising a webinar on Tuesday, the 12th May 2020 at 5 pm with Mr. Sanjay Lakhotia. Should you have any questions, you may send us in advance to save time or you may ask during the Webinar.
It will be an exclusive IATO webinar for the IATO members with prior registration. Therefore, please register in advance for this on the following link:-
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Please note, this webinar is exclusively for our members, therefore, please do not share registration details with any unauthorised person.
We have maximum capacity of participation of 300 members and therefore, request one person (Managing Director/Director/Proprietor) from each company to register for the webinar so that maximum companies can participate.
Thanking you and with best regards,
Rahul Chakravarty