1st May 2020

To All Members,

Sub: Study on Development of Tourism Strategy for the BIMSTEC - Online Survey for Private Sector Tourism Operators

Dear Members,

Asian Development Banks is supporting the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sector Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) in formulating a sustainable tourism development strategy for the sub-region.  

In this regard placed below please find email received from Mr. Scott Wayne, President, SWA Development – Sustainable Destinations and the enclosed letter from Asian Development Bank regarding Survey being conducted by Asian Development Bank which includes questions to help develop strategies to deal with post-COVID-19 tourism recovery.

May I request all our members to participate in online survey and give your feedback on the following link:-


With best regards,


Rahul Chakravarty





Request to Industry Colleagues to assist with ADB Tourism Survey

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings. We hope that you and your families are all ok, despite the troubles our industry is facing.

My team mate, Dain Simpson, and I are advising the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on the development of a regional sustainable tourism strategy for the countries of  the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation Initiatives for Tourism (BIMSTEC) and South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC). Since it is not possible for us to travel now and meet with you and your members in person, with  ADB we have created an online industry survey, which includes questions to help develop strategies to deal with post-COVID-19 tourism recovery.

We would be grateful if you could assist us with circulating the following website address for the online survey and the attached letter (also included below)  to your members:


We would also be grateful if you could include an announcement about the survey with the link in your member communications.

The letter is from ADB requesting assistance and explaining the survey.  

Thank you so much for your cooperation with this important endeavor to help our industry recover from the effects of COVID-19 and again thrive and prosper.

Best wishes,

Scott Wayne, President

SWA Development – Sustainable Destinations

Tel: 1-202-463-7394

Cell:/WhatsApp 1-202-236-9394

