Please find appended a mail from ICPB which is self-explanatory.
27th April 2020
To, All Members,
Dear Members
Please find appended a mail from ICPB which is self-explanatory. Those
who are interested to participate in the Webinar from 3 to 4pm today may
kindly register.
With regards,
Rahul Chakravarty
Greetings from India Convention Promotion Bureau.
ICPB is happy to announce a webinar on ‘Managing Your Human Capital,
from 1500 – 1600 hrs on 27th April 2020. This will be followed by a
series of webinars on relevant and contemporary topics. The schedule and
details of the webinars will follow.
This webinar will be moderated by Mr. Amaresh Tiwari, Vice Chairman –
The Panelists :
· Mr. Dhananjay Singh, Director General at National HRD
Network Mentor, India Co-Win Action Network (I-CAN)
· Mr. R. Anand – HR Expert & Author – “Happiness at
Work : Mindfulness, Analysis and Wellbeing”.
The objective of the session is to address HR issues of MICE companies,
employer - employee relationships, HR policies etc. particularly in the
COVID-19 scenario.
Questions are invited for the response of panelists.
Interested participants may please send questions to the panelists by 26
April 2020 to Ms. Kumud Sharma at .
Registration link - [1]
Webinar ID- 821-8925-9368
Webinar password- 648592