10th April 2020

To All Members

Sub: Webinar on Tourism on 14th April 2020 from 1100 -1200 hours on "City of Cities - Delhi Personal Diary"

Dear Members,

Placed below please find email received from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India regarding  Webinar being organised on Tuesday, 14th April 2020 from 1100 to 1200 hours on the topic “City of Cities - Delhi Personal Diary”.

Members are requested to participate in big numbers and register for the Webinar by clicking on the following link:-  


Thanking you and with best wishes,

Rahul Chakravarty



Subject: Webinar on Tourism


The President - FAITH, IATO, TAAI, ATOAI, ADTOI, ITTA, Outbound Tour Operators Association, FHRAI, HAI, IHHA, ICPB, PATA India Chapter.

Sir/ Madam,

The Ministry of Tourism, Government of India is organising a series of Webinars on tourism related topics to engage with and enrich product knowledge of stakeholders / students, community, etc.

 The first of these Webinars starts on 14th April 2020 from 1100-1200 hrs. on the topic City of Cities - Delhi Personal Diary  presented by Ms. Nidhi Bansal, CEO and Dr. Soumi Roy, Head of Operations, India City Walks. 

I request all Associations to encourage their members to participate and register for the Webinar by clicking on the link  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZSBB0lqUSzaG4fcTyipqhg

Look forward to active and overwhelming participation of the travel and hospitality fraternity in the Webinar series. We request all tour operators, travel agents and hotels to encourage their staff to register and join the webinar.

DDG (HRD), MOT is requested to circulate this mail among IITTMs and IHMs to join the webinar. 

Best regards, 


Asst. Director General - (OM & SM)
Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India
Room No. 132, 1st Floor, Transport Bhawan
1, Parliament Street
New Delhi - 100 001.
Tel: 011-23717762. 

Intercom No. 55