EC for information

30th March 2020

To All Members,

Sub: Information required for Retaining SEIS Scheme beyond 31st March 2020 in Foreign Trade Policy 2020-25

Dear Members,

Retaining SEIS Scheme beyond 31st March 2020 and its inclusion in proposed Foreign Trade Policy for 2020-25 is a matter of great concern for our  members. We have got full support from SEPC on this and SEPC has submitted the representation advocating the continuity of the SEIS scheme for the service industry including tourism industry.

SEPC requires to submit the estimates on pending SEIS claims and the total accrued SEIS amount during 2015-20 since the introduction of scheme.

Please send your details of year-wise SEIS claims, pending claims and amount so far received by you as per the attached format.

The details should be sent to vikrant.sepc@gmail.comsumit.sepc@gmail.comdhruv.sepc@gmail.comdefinitely by 3rd April 2020.

It is imperative that information in respect of all those companies who are claiming SEIS is sent to SEPC by the above given deadline.

With best regards,


Rahul Chakravarty