February 2020 

To, All Members, 

Sub: Inclusion of Equatorial Guinea and Togo in the list of countries whose nationals are eligible for e-Visa Scheme with Immediate effect   

Dear Colleagues, 

You will be pleased to know that Equatorial Guinea and Togo have been added in the list of countries whose nationals are eligible for e-Visa for India with immediate effect.

A copy of letter dated 25th February 2020 received from Ministry of Tourism Government of India is enclosed for your reference.   

 For more details about E-Visa, please visit the link https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/evisa/tvoa.html

 With regards,

Rajesh Mudgill

Hony. Secretary  
Encl: om_to_stakeholders_reg_170th_and_171st_country.pdf