Feb 19 2020, 05:45 PM



“If Social Media is the cocktail party, then email marketing is the

‘Meet up for Coffee’

The original 1 to 1 Channel”

Eric Harbison


Dear Members,


To communicate your targeted clients and to reach untapped market, email marketing is the most cost effective medium.


Due, to the current market conditions and growing competition, small & medium tour operator’s survival has become very difficult.  In view of the same, IATO decide to organise a workshop that will help SMTO to reach the untapped market and new clients.

“Effective email Marketing”


Date                          :    04th March 2020

Timing                     :    1400 hrs-1830 hrs

Location                 :    Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Pt. Uma Shankar Dikshit Road, Teen                              Murti Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 110 021

Total Seats            :    25

Workshop Fee: Rs.500/- (inclusive of GST) per employee

Who can attend: Director’s, Owner & Online Marketing Executive

There are limited seats, TO AVOID DISAPOINTMENT register your name today itself.


Please send name along with the following information to IATO office latest by 02nd March 2020 (confirmation would be subject to seat availability) along with cheque in the favour of Indian Association of Tour Operators: -

  • Name of the company/Organization
  • Name of the person
  • Designation
  • Mobile no.
  • Email:

And forward to operations@iato.in  or call Phone : 25750034



Zia Siddiqui                                                           S. Kumar                                                 

IATO Liaison-                                                                Convener –Skill Development Committee                

Skill Development Committee