To, All Members,

Dear Colleagues,

Sub: Reminder - IATO Interactive Luncheon Meeting on Wednesday, the 10th July 2019 at 1115 hours at The Oberoi, New Delhi  

This is to remind you of the IATO Interactive Luncheon Meeting scheduled to be held on :-  

Day/Date    - Wednesday, the 10th July 2019 

Time           - 1115 hours 

Venue         - The Oberoi, Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg, New Delhi -110003

During this meeting we have invited Mr. S.C. Kamra our GST Consultant to update the members on GST and also on the Union Budget 2019-2020 which is going to be presented by the Hon’ble Finance Minister in the Parliament on 5th July 2019. 

Please note, lunch will be contributory and lunch cost will be subsidized by IATO. Members need to pay Rs. 300/- per pax and the balance amount will be paid by IATO. Payment can be made by cash or credit/debit card (Visa or Master card only) on the spot at the IATO Reception Counter.    

Agenda of the meeting is as follows :-


  • Site Visit/Inspection of the Hotel
  • In-house announcements by the Hony. Secretary
  • Welcome Address by the Senior Vice President, IATO
  • Address by Mr. SC Kamra, Advocate - updating the members on GST and other issues arising out of Union Budget 2019.    
  • Open House, Question/Answer Session
  • Vote of Thanks by the Vice President 
  • Lunch
  • Site Visit/Inspection of the Hotel

Members are requested to attend in large numbers.

Please send your confirmation to IATO office by today (evening) the 8th July 2019 to enable make logistical arrangements accordingly.

Thanking you,


Rajesh Mudgill

Hony. Secretary






I will attend the Interactive Meeting on Wednesday, the 10th July 2019 at 1130 hours at The Oberoi, Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg, New Delhi – 10003.


Name of the Person _____________________________


Name of the Company___________________________


(Mobile) ______________________________________