285//ALLM/2018                                  6th July 2018

To, All Members (Recognized by the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)

Dear Members,

Sub: Revised dates for Incredible India Road Shows in a) Russia & Nordic Countries b) China

This is with reference to our circular dated 29th June and 3rd July 2018 regarding Road Shows in Russia/Nordic Countries and Australia/New Zealand.

1.  Kindly note that dates for the road shows has been rescheduled. The revised dates for  Roadshows in Russia and Nordic countries are as follows:-

  •          30th July 2018                -           Roadshow in Moscow
  •          31st July 2018                -           Roadshow in St. Petersburg
  •          01st August 2018           -           Travel
  •          02nd August 2018          -           Roadshow in Helsinki
  •          03rd August 2018           -           Roadshow in Stockholm

2.  In addition to the above, the following are the tentative dates for the Roadshows in China:

  •   26th August 2018                  -           Public Event in Beijing
  •   27th August 2018                  -           Roadshow in Beijing
  •   28th August 2018                  -           Roadshow in Guangzhou
  •   29th August 2018                  -           Roadshow in Wuhan
  •   30th August 2018                  -           Roadshow in Shanghai

3.   Final dates for Roadshows in Australia and New Zealand will be communicated shortly.

4.   IATO has been asked to recommend maximum 20 names to the Ministry for each Road Shows at the earliest. 

5.   Please note the following:-

i) All arrangements and expenses i.e. air ticket, hotels and local transport etc. will have to be made by the participating members directly at their own cost.

ii) Only one person from each company will be allowed to participate.

iii) Members are allowed to send any employee or sales representative. These trips are meant only for companies headquartered in India and approved by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. IATO reserves the right to reject any application if it finds there is a conflict in purpose.

iv) Members who are recognized by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and wish to participate in the above Road Shows, should forward their names indicating the road show in which you would like to participate along with a separate cheque of Rs. 20,000/- for each road show, in favour of Indian Association of Tour Operators towards security deposit definitely by 12th July 2018 along with the following information:-

         a)      Name of the company

         b)      Name of the person (as in the passport) with Designation

         c)      Address, Telephone, Mobile, Email id, Website

         d)      Passport No.

         e)      Date of issue of passport

         f)       Place of issue of passport

         g)      Date of Expiry of passport

v) No Refund will be made in case if participation is withdrawn after the name has been sent. However, cancellations due to force majeure in extreme cases may be considered by the EC. This is because for the Road shows in USA concluded recently, there were 5 cancellations and our Ministry has taken a very serious view of this.

If more than 20 names are received, participation will be decided by draw of lot for which date will be intimated.  

With best regards,


Rajiv Mehra

Executive Director


Note: As these are Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India sponsored Road Shows, members who are not recognized by the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India will not be considered for participation as per directives of the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India. Hence they should not apply.