Pool of members for Inspection of Tour Operators, Hotels, Restaurants, Bed & Breakfast Establishments
21st May 2018
To, All Members,
Sub: Pool of members for Inspection of Tour Operators, Hotels, Restaurants, Bed & Breakfast Establishments
Dear Friends,
As you know, short notices for inspection are received from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India at the IATO office to join the Inspection Team of for recognition/renewal/classification/reclassification of Tour Operators, Hotels, Restaurants, Bed & Breakfast Establishments.
In order to have larger participation and involvement of our members and better coordination by the IATO office for smooth functioning, we would like to make a pool of our members region/state wise at different locations to carry out such inspections. We would like to have this data base on all over India basis. This will facilitate the IATO Secretariat and also the State Chapter Chairman to coordinate the inspections with the members in the pool and will reduce the burden on the IATO Executive Committee and the State Chapter Chairmen.
However, please note that for such inspections, the Managing Director, Director, Proprietor/Senior Manager/Manager of the company should join the inspection team and not the Junior staff who is not aware of the recognition/classification norm and the requirement of the tour operators.
We request more and more member should participate in this.
Kindly arrange to send us the name of the person (one or more), name of the company, city, email id and mobile no. by 28th May 2018 so that we can consolidate our data specifically for this purpose.
Thanking you and with best regards,
Rajesh Mudgill
Hony. Secretary