
23 April 2024

To All Members,

Sub: IATO Day of Yoga on Sunday, the 28th April 2024 at Lodhi Gardens, New Delhi

Dear Friends,

For the benefit of all our members and their families, IATO is organizing Day of Yoga on Sunday the 28th April 2024 and members and their families are invited to an ambience of lush green lawns of world heritage status Lodhi Garden to enjoy a morning of Yoga and fresh air followed by Blood Test Camp.

Programme is as under :- 

0615 hrs  - Reporting time/Entry from Gate Number 4 near Rajesh Pilot road towards khan market. Assembly at pre-designated area at Lodhi Gardens.

0630 - 0635 hrs - Om Dhwani & Gayatri Mantra recitation.

0635 - 0650 hrs - Know Your Breath

0650 - 0710 hrs - Micro Exercises

0710 - 0730 hrs -   Yoga Asanas.                                                                                                                    

0730 - 0745 hrs – Pranayam

Yoga Session will be conducted by Yoga instructors - Mrs. Ekta Manwani & Mrs. Geeta Navaney.

0745 - 0845 Hrs - Blood Test Camp organized by IATO. (Complete Blood Count Test (CBC) will be done in collaboration with Redcliffe Labs for all attending Yoga.

0845 - 0915 Hrs - Light Refreshment/Breakfast arranged by IATO.

Important Note :-

  • Registration will be done for maximum 75 persons including families on First Come First Serve Basis.
  • Maximum two adult and one child from one company will be considered. 
  • Members/families whose participation will be confirmed, need to bring their own Yoga Mats/Durries. Also keeping in mind the IATO’s sustainability practices, all members are requested to bring their own water bottles as we want to avoid “Single Use plastic water bottles”.
  • It is expected that members are appropriately dressed keeping in mind the that its Yoga and also warm weather is expected.

Members/Families who wish to attend need to send their details with the following information on email id and by 26 April 2024.

Please note these details are mandatory for the blood test.

  • Name of the company _______________
  • Name of the person __________ age  ___________ (Mobile No)______________ email id  _________________
  • Name of the second person (if attending) ____________________age__________ (Mobile No.)________________email id_______________
  • Name of the child (if attending) ____________ age ____________ Mobile No. ______________ email id _____________________

Above information should reach us definitely by 26 April 2024.

For more details or any further information, you may please contact the undersigned on mobile 9810022858, or Mr. Ravi Shankar Singh, Convener Sports, Recreation and Culture committee, (M) 9718718254

With regards,

Sanjay Razdan
Hony. Secretary

Note: Must know for blood sample collection (Kindly go through the attached sheets for more details):

Please click below link for more detials:


  • 8 to 10 hours of fasting preferred before collection of the sample.
  • Fasting: No intake of food or any beverage at least 8 to 10 hours till the sample is collected. Only water may be consumed during fast
  • Alcohol should not be consumed within 24 hours prior to the sample collection.