Regarding Issue pertaining to Long Delay in Receiving Bills for Accounting Purposes.
11th March 2024
To All Members,
Dear Friends,
Sub: Regarding Issue pertaining to Long Delay in Receiving Bills for Accounting Purposes where 100% Advance Payments are Made by IATO Members to Approved/Classified Hotels
This is with reference to our circular sent on 24th February 2024 regarding delay in receiving bill from the hotels where 100% Advance Payments are Made by IATO Members to the hotels.
As informed matter was taken up with the President, FHRAI, HAI, and IHHA with the request that all hotel members of their association be advised to issue GST invoice to the tour operators immediately on receipt of payment/services are rendered.
I am pleased to inform that FHRAI and HAI have issued a circular amongst all their member hotels with an advise to issue GST invoice to the tour operators on receipt of payment/services that are rendered.
We have also been advised that IATO Members who are facing such problems may send the details as per following:-
For complaint against any hotel who is member of HAI, details may be sent to:-
Ms. Charulata Sukhija Deputy Secretary General Hotel Association of India charulata@HotelAssociationofindia.comFor complaint any hotel who are members of FHRAI, complaint may sent region wise to
Mr. Pradeep Shetty, President Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India Email: ;,,For any complaint against any Taj Hotels, please send details to:-
Ms. Delna Jasoomoney Vice President – Travel Industry Sales THE INDIAN HOTELS COMPANY LIMITED
Thanks and regards,
Rajiv Mehra President