19th May 2023

To All Members,

Dear Friends,

Sub: Exclusive discount for Indian Sellers at PATA Travel Mart 2023 from 4th – 6th October, 2023

As you know, PATA Travel Mart (PTM) 2023 is going to be held at Pragati Maidaan, New Delhi, from 4th – 6th October, 2023, On IATO’s efforts,  a special discount has been offered by the Ministry of Tourism/PATA to IATO Members to register and participate in the event. PATA is exclusively offering a special onetime offer of 15% on the space booking to Indian sellers, If registered till 30th June, 2023. (Please note, this is the onetime offer and will not be extended). The offer would change to 7.5% from 1st July – 30th July, 2023.

Register As a seller


Register as a Buyer




For more details, please visit website


Thanks and regards,

Ravi Gosain      Sanjay Razdan

Vice President   Hony. Secretary


From: Poonam Rajput [mailto:manager@pataindia.org]

Sent: 18 May 2023 15:33

To: rmehra@udaytour.com

Cc: rajnishkaistha25@gmail.com; ravi@ercotravels.com; sr@razdanholidays.com; info@cosmostravelsindia.com; iato@airtelmail.in; admin@iato.in; coo@iato.in; gmiato.delhi@gmail.com; emnajeeb@atetravel.com

Subject: Exclusive discount for Indian Sellers at PATA Travel Mart 2023!


Dear Mr Mehra,


Greetings from PATA India!


We are very pleased to announce that Ministry of Tourism & PATA has agreed to hold PATA Travel Mart (PTM) 2023 at Pragati Maidaan, New Delhi, from 4th – 6th October.

PATA Travel Mart is signature Asia Pacific’s international travel trade exhibition, featuring unparalleled networking and contracting opportunities to help travel and tourism organisation access decision makers, meet new clients, expand their networks, establish new relationships and consolidate existing business partnerships. This year as the event is hosted by Ministry of Tourism in New Delhi, India, Avail this opportunity to showcase your products and offerings to the international buyers & delegates. Join the event with 1,000+ delegates from over 60 destinations across the globe in one of the fastest-growing travel market. To encourage the Indian sellers to register and participate in the event, PATA is exclusively offering a special onetime offer of 15% on the space booking to India sellers, If registered till 30th June, 2023 . (Please note, this is the onetime offer and will not be extended)

The offer would change to 7.5% from 1st July – 30th July, 2023.

We seek your support to maximize the participation. Please circulate the information among your membership database.
Thanks & regards
Poonam Rajput