23rd January 2023

To All Members

Dear All

Subject : Golden Opportunity to set up Hotels, Resorts, Wellness Centers, Camping & Water/Adventure Sports Projects in Madhya Pradesh.

Please find appended and attached an email received  on the Golden Opportunity to set up Hotels, Resorts, Wellness Centers, Camping & Water/Adventure Sports Projects in Madhya Pradesh.

Madhya Pradesh Government is offering land at 23 potential locations and 3 Heritage Properties in the state to set up tourism projects on attractive conditions through online bid process

For any clarification / assistance you may contact

Varun Gautam 
Manager- Communication
Investment Promotion 
MP Tourism Board,

6th Floor, Lily Trade Wing, Jehangirabad,  
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Mobile - +91-8770744327

Rajnish Kaistha

Hony. Secretary

From: Varun Gautam [mailto:mgrip.mptb@mp.gov.in]
Sent: 20 January 2023 18:04
To: speymattressesuk@gmail.comvaibhav.chaudhari@cbre.compranav.doshi@international.gc.cachairman@sticgroup.commanishpushkale@bhopalfestival.cominfo@prestigeindia.comanandsu@juniper.netpp@hydroplan.com.ausabarish@agile-labs.comsandeep.kakkar@iprimed.compranav@ziondzine.comasif@rerasolution.comwhitepaperenterprises@gmail.comashutosh@rerasolution.compooja.sharma@atinooh.comnitin.jain@nearbuy.comarihant_computers@ymail.comnirmaljoshi001@gmail.comemeraldmumbai@yahoo.compentolexpool@gmail.comrachnachemicals@ymail.comnirmalpatel@psaprofessionals.commantra1513@gmail.compragatiadvt@hotmail.comconsultant@inktravelmedia.comabhinav.sisodia@in.gt.comd.jain@mayfairconsultants.in; Uttank Joshi <uttank.joshi@nic.in>; himanshushukla47@gmail.comdvenka@gmail.comkbiswas@gujrattourism.comak.sabarwal@gail.co.insakshi@jktdc.co.inankitmanit10@gmail.comadmin@iato.inbmgupta@tfciltd.comdcm@theashokgroup.comzhao_ting@mfa.gov.cnmanish@itfindorel.comgdma.md@gmail.comiato@eth.netcotraj@gmail.compresident@iaapi.org; Sh A K Biswal <rdncr-cgwb@nic.in>; Sudhir Kumar Kochar, Under Secretary to CM, Bhopal <sudhir.kochar@mp.gov.in>; osdmanoj111@gmail.comsocrcd@gmail.compandey@investindia.org.inprem.38@rediffmail.com
Cc: Suresh Jhariya <suresh.jhariya@mp.gov.in>
Subject: Golden Opportunity to set up Hotels, Resorts, Wellness Centers, Camping & Water/Adventure Sports Projects in Madhya Pradesh.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board.

Madhya Pradesh Government is offering land at 23 potential locations and 3 Heritage Properties in the state to set up tourism projects on following attractive conditions through online bid process :-

1.      Long term lease for 90 years.

2.      The minimum reserved price is only Rs. 5.00 lakh per hectare in rural areas and Rs. 10.00 lakh per hectare in urban areas for land and Only 01 lakh for per heritage property .

3.      1% lease rent per year of the premium amount.

4.      Land/ Heritage Property can be mortgaged to avail loans.


            42 land parcels and 10 Heritage Properties have already been allotted to investors, well known groups like Mahindra Holidays, Orange County, Waxpole, State Express, Clarks, Suryagarh Forts, Jehan-numa palace, Syna, Rajasthan Forts & Palaces -Jaipur,  Oberoi Group & Goldman Hotels & Resort Pvt Ltd Etc.


Interested entrepreneurs, groups, companies can see the details of properties and tender documents just by clicking on respective links given under. Tendering can be done online on www.mptenders.gov.in till 28th February, 2023. For any further assistance please mail on suresh.jhariya@mp.gov.in

Kindly go through the enclosed attachments &

Tender Link:-https://mptenders.gov.in/nicgep/app?component=%24DirectLink&page=FrontEndTendersByOrganisation&service=direct&session=T&sp=S3%2B7jRA5ZsktDdnsLwR9zSg%3D%3D 


Feel free to ask for further assistance.  

Click here to see the attachment

Warm Regards

Varun Gautam 
Manager- Communication
Investment Promotion 
MP Tourism Board,

6th Floor, Lily Trade Wing, Jehangirabad,  
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Mobile - 