
12th October 2022

To, All Members, (Recognized by the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)

Dear Colleagues,

Sub: Participation in World Travel Mart (WTM), London 2022 in India Pavilion of Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India.

The Ministry of Tourism (MoT), Government of India is planning to participate at the World Travel Market (WTM) 2022, to be held in London from 7th to 9th November 2022. (email received from the Ministry yesterday evening is enclosed).  MOT invites Travel Trade Industry to participate as co-exhibitors within the Indian Pavilion being set up to showcase the varied tourism destinations and products of the country.

The participation fee in the India Pavilion at WTM 2022 is Rs. 2,00,000/- (Two Lakhs only) per 4 sq. meter and space will be offered to co-exhibitors on a first come first served basis.

Members those who are interested may send their confirmation to

Ms. Kanchan Kukreja,

Assistant Director (Overseas Marketing),


with a copy endorsed to the

Ms. Alka Sharma, LDC,

e-mail:   and undersigned  on e-mail:

definitely by 14th October 2022 with a copy to IATO on email id &



·         Members who are recognised by the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India can only participate in Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India pavilion. Therefore, members who are not approved by the Ministry should not apply as they will not be considered.

·         Please note, No withdrawal will be allowed under any circumstances once the confirmation is sent by you to the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India.

With best regards,


Ravi Gosain
Vice President

From: Rajendra Kumar Bhati []
Sent: 11 October 2022 18:05
To: iato <>;; gmiato delhi <>
Cc: Rakesh KumarVerma <>; ROSHAN THOMASM <>; Kanchan Kukreja <>; Alka Sharma <>
Subject: WTM - 2022 Participation -reg.

Government of India

Ministry of Tourism

(Overseas Marketing Division)

Transport Bhawan,

1, Parliament Street

New Delhi - 110001.

Tel. No. 23717762

F. No. OM-15/31/2022       Date: 11.10.2022


The President / Chairman / Vice Chairman,


Dear Sir/Madam,


The Ministry of Tourism (MoT), Government of India is planning to participate at the World Travel Market (WTM) 2022, to be held in London from 7th to 9th November 2022. MOT invites Travel Trade Industry to participate as co-exhibitors within the Indian Pavilion being set up to showcase the varied tourism destinations and products of the country.


2.       World Travel Market (WTM) is one of the premier international travel related events which provides an effective platform for networking and meetings with executives and leaders from all segments of the Tourism Industry worldwide. It also provides an excellent opportunity for showcasing and sourcing new products and services, and learn about the latest international trends and patterns affecting tourism to various regions. Participants include National/Regional Tourist organizations, tourist attractions, tour operators, transport operators, hotels, airlines, cruise liners, railways, technology and communications and other travel related services. The visitors profile mainly consists of tour operators, travel agents, group travel organizers, etc., providing ample opportunity for promoting tourism related products and services.


3.       All stakeholders are invited to participate in the above exhibition by booking space in the India Pavilion with a view to marketing their products. The participation fee in the India Pavilion at WTM 2022 is Rs. 2,00,000/- (Two Lakhs only) per 4 sq. meter and space will be offered to co-exhibitors on a first come first served basis.



4.       It is requested that the above information may kindly be disseminated to all the members of your association and who may be requested to confirm their participation at the earliest and not later than 14th October, 2022 along with their space requirement. Confirmations may be sent by e-mail to Ms. Kanchan Kukreja, Assistant Director (Overseas Marketing), on e-mail: with a copy endorsed to the Ms. Alka Sharma, LDC, e-mail: and undersigned on e-mail:


Yours sincerely,


(R K Bhati)

Asstt. Director General (OM)