12th August 2022


To All Members,


Sub: Regarding 28th OTDYKH International Tourism Expo, Moscow, Russia from 13-15 September, 2022


Placed below please find an email received from Indiatourism Moscow regarding 28th OTDYKH International Tourism Expo taking place in Moscow, Russia on September 13-15, 2022 in Expocenter.


Members those who are interested, may get in touch directly with the organizers to participate in the fair.


Organizer’s details:

Euroexpo Exhibitions & Congress Development GmbH

Wagenseilgasse 3, Euro Plaza, Building;1120 Vienna, Austria

Tel.: + 43 1 230 85 35 31

E-mail: leisure@euroexpo-vienna.com


Thanks and regards,


Ravi Gosain

Vice President


From: Accts India Tourism [mailto:accts@india-tourism.com]
Sent: 11 August 2022 14:32
To: iato@airtelmail.in;
Cc: Navodit Verma <com1.moscow@mea.gov.in>; Rajendra Kumar Bhati <rk.bhati@nic.in>; Kanchan Kukreja <kanchan.kukreja@gov.in>
Subject: Fwd: AW: OTDYKH Leisure Moscow 2022 proposal


Dear Sir / Madam,


Greetings from Indiatourism, Frankfurt !


This refer to the mail below received from the Second Secretary, Embassy of India, Moscow informing  to participate in the important travel fair of the 28th OTDYKh International Tourism Expo which is scheduled to be held from 13-15, September, 2022 in Moscow.


You are therefore requested that interested offices / agencies may like to contact directly to the organizers to participate in the fair.



O.P. Meena

Asst. Director




From: Navodit Verma <com1.moscow@mea.gov.in>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2022 at 15:21
Subject: Fwd: AW: OTDYKH Leisure Moscow 2022 proposal
To: accts <accts@india-tourism.com>
Cc: Gina Uika <dcm.moscow@mea.gov.in>, Dr ADARSH SWAIKA <jsers@mea.gov.in>, Md. Noor Rahman Sheikh <jsed@mea.gov.in>, Naorem J. Singh <eco.moscow@mea.gov.in>, Rakesh Kumar <adadmin1@nic.in>, Rakesh Kumar Verma <js.tourism@gov.in>, Rajendra Kumar Bhati <rk.bhati@nic.in>

Dear Meena Ji,


            This is to inform you that the 28th OTDYKH International Tourism Expo will take place in Moscow, Russia on September 13-15, 2022 in Expocenter.


2.         OTDYKH is one of the two major tourism exhibitions of Russia held annually in Moscow to facilitate business contacts in the tourism market.


3.        This year, 450 participants from 40 regions of Russia and 20 countries of the world are expected to participate in OTDYKH.


4.       As informed by the organisers, booth may be rented at EUR 355 per sq. m. Registration fee is EUR 400-500. ( detailed quotations  and floor plan provided by the organisers is attached)


5.         It is recommended if Tourism Office, Frankfurt can participate in the said exhibition. It is also requested if Tourism Departments of Indian States may  be conveyed the above mentioned information for their participation.


Warm Regards,


Navodit Verma

Second Secretary

Economic and Commercial Wing

Embassy of India 


Click here to see the attachment