2nd August 2022


To All Members,


Dear Friends,


Sub: PATA India Tourism Impact Contest


Placed below please find an email received from PATA India Chapter regarding PATA Indian Tourism Impact Contest for Members and Stakeholders of India’s travel & tourism industry. The contest will close on 15th August 2022.


With regards,



Rajnish Kaistha

Hony. Secretary



From: Poonam Rajput [mailto:manager@pataindia.org]
Sent: 02 August 2022 13:40
To: iato@airtelmail.in
Cc: rajnishkaistha25@gmail.com
Subject: Circulation for PATA India Tourism Impact Contest


Dear Mr Kaistha,


Greetings from PATA India!

Reference your telecon with Mr Sangha, it was discussed the PATA India Tourism Impact contest is relevant to the tourism industry as an entity and would help highlight the issues faced by the trade. To get the maximum opinions and ideas we request you to mail it to your Active, Allied & Associate members to participate as well. The details are below:



PATA India is delighted to announce the launch of the first ever PATA India Tourism Impact Contest for Members and Stakeholders of India’s travel & tourism industry.


The contest aims to bring into focus, what industry stakeholders feel, impacts their business growth, development and future outlook. The contest is in two parts. Contestants are required to respond to both parts to highlight their thoughts and ideas.


1.                In the attached Google Form, we have listed 11 key issues, which have a significant impact tourism. Participants are required to prioritise which issues impact their business the most and number them in order of priority. After doing so the completed Google Form is to be returned to PATA India. We will put together all responses received and share YOUR RESPONSE with Ministry of Tourism. We will urge them to focus on the VOICE of the industry, with emphasis on what the industry feels, requires most and urgent attention.

   Completion of the Google Form in the     link which follows is a pre-requisite to  participate in the prize winning competition.




2.                To enter the PATA India Tourism Impact Contest, Contestants are required to share one new and innovative BIG Difference IDEA, which will make a positive impact to tourism growth and development. Your BIG Difference IDEA is to be described in 150 words in the attached Google form. Contestants are also required to explain how their idea should be implemented and how it will help the industry.

A jury will select the three best ideas, proposed by contestants and it will reward winners with three cash prizes, up to Rs. 25, 000/-. The contest closes on 15th August 2022. The decision of the jury will be final and binding


This contest is open to all members of the industry and at all levels. Remember the contest closes on 15th August 2022, so hurry up and complete your entry and get set to be a WINNER!!


YOU can make a Difference!!


Get started by participating in this program and contest and be the lucky winner. Simply list in priority what impacts your business and Share your Brilliant Idea which will Make A Difference!!



Completion of the Google Form in the link which follows is a pre-requisite to participate in the prize winning competition.




Thanks & regards, 



Poonam Rajput | Manager Coordination |

Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) INDIA CHAPTER |

509 Mercantile House 15, KG Marg. New Delhi  110001 | Tel:  91 11 23736751| Fax: 91 1123325156 |

Mobile: 8800472480

 | manager@pataindia.org | www.pataindia.org