Members contribution towards the contents of IATO Speaks (IATO Newsletter)
24th February2022
To All Members,
Dear Friends,
Sub: Members contribution towards the contents of IATO Speaks (IATO Newsletter)
You must be enjoying reading the IATO Speaks (IATO Newsletter) which encompasses the key IATO activities and industry news, which are of interest of the members. This is being brought-out bi-monthly i.e. once in two months.
To further upgrade the contents of the IATO Speaks and have members contribution, it has been decided to invite members who have good writing skills to give their article to be published under an identified head in IATO Speaks.
Such articles received from the members would be considered by the Newsletter Committee for incorporating the same in the newsletter.
Those of you are interested may revert with your article in word format at the earliest possible on email id,
Thanking you and with best regards,
Rajiv Mehra