19th July 2021,

To All Allied/Associate/Honorary Members,

Sub: IATO One Way WhatsApp Group for All Members


Dear Friends,

IATO One Way WhatsApp Group for the Active Members was launched in March 2021, which is working very successfully. All important information and circulars are being sent through WhatsApp Group besides emails from the IATO Secretariat.

It has been decided by the EC that WhatsApp Group should be created for all the Allied/Associate/Honorary Members also. This will help us not only to communicate with all our members faster and disseminate any information instantly, but would also help our members in not missing any important communication/email due to messages going into spam or bouncing back.

Please note this will be one way WhatsApp Group and only the Admin will post the messages.

Please note this WhatsApp group contains mobile nos. of the authorised representatives of the company only.

All the authorised representatives who are representing their company/organisation in IATO, need to fill up the required information on the given below link in the Google Form so that we may add your WhatsApp number in the IATO WhatsApp Group and also update our records. Please ignore, if you have submitted the form earlier.


Please revert at the earliest and latest by 20th July 2021.

Thanking you and with best wishes,


Rajnish Kaistha

Hony. Secretary