Dekho Apna Desh - Episode 89 Webinar on "Rural Cultural Tourism of West Bengal"
01st July, 2021
All Members
Subject: Dekho Apna Desh - Episode 89 Webinar on "Rural Cultural Tourism of West Bengal"
Dear Friends,
We have received an email from Ministry of Tourism (appended) stating that a webinar is being organized on Saturday, 3rd July 2021 (1100-1200 hrs.) on the topic 'Rural Cultural Tourism of West Bengal'.
To Register :
Thanks & regards
Rajnish Kaistha Hony. Secretary ------------------------------------------------.From: Bharti Kashyap Sharma []
Sent: 30 June 2021 12:19
Subject: Re: Dekho Apna Desh - Episode 89 Webinar on "Rural Cultural Tourism of West Bengal"- Reg.
Dear Sir / Madam,
Following are the details of webinar being organized on Saturday, 3rd July 2021 (1100-1200 hrs.) on the topic 'Rural Cultural Tourism of West Bengal'.
Kindly request your members, faculty, students and friends to register and join the webinar. Registration link for the webinar is in the description below:
West Bengal has a wealth of intangible cultural heritage across the state. The diversity is fascinating including traditional art and craft forms, some of which are also GI tagged. Banglanatak dot com has developed and strengthened community led rural cultural destinations with unique cultural offerings, festivals, community museums, workshops, etc. To enjoy the richness of these living heritages, join us on a virtual tour around the art and craft rural hubs of West Bengal.
Please register here:
Presented by:
Amitava Bhattacharya
Founder and full time Director
banglanatak dot com
(UNWTO & UNESCO partner, UN-ECOSOC accredited)
Amitava is an engineer from IIT Kharagapur and a Gurukul Chevening Scholar on Leadership and Excellence from London School of Economics.
Amitava has over 32 years of global work experience including 21 years of social entrepreneurship specializing in Culture and Development.
India Tourism offices in India and overseas are requested to circulate the above amongst the tour operators, opinion makers, etc. in the area of their jurisdiction.
IT Division of MOT is requested to amplify the above webinars on the Incredible India website.
Team MOT
Dekho Apna Desh Webinar Series
Ministry of Tourism
Government of India
New Delhi
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