14th June 2021,

To All Members,

Sub: IATO Webinar on “Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace” on Friday, the 18th June 2021 at 4 pm on Zoom.

Dear Colleagues,

This is in reference to the Act related to prevention of sexual harassment of women at workplace, which is applicable to every organisation/set-up having more than 10 employees. Now the Central as well as State Governments have become very serious with respect to compliance of the said Act. An Airline was fined Rs. 50,000 for not having established an Internal Complaints Committee. Similar situation was for one of the hospitals who was fined for establishing the complaint committee.

Therefore, to create awareness and for the benefit of our members, IATO is organising a webinar relating to the above Act “Prevention of sexual harassment of women at workplace” is being organised on  Friday, the 18th June 2021 at 4 pm on Zoom.  Mrs. Anjana Gosain, Advocate Delhi High Court  and IATO Legal Advisor will be the Guest Speaker.  

The webinar would primarily consist of introduction and orientation to the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (Prohibition, Prevention and Redressal) Act 2014.

The highlights of the talk would be:-

Objects and Reasons of the Act

Applicability of the POSH Act

Necessity of formation of Internal Complaints Committee

Type of Complaints covered under the Act

Responsibilities and prevention of such complaints in hospitality sector

Consequences of such acts and complaints


Q&A Session

The Programme is as under:-

Welcome by Mr. Rajiv Mehra, President, IATO  

Introduction by Mr. Rajnish Kaistha, Hony. Secretary, IATO     

Presentation/address by Mrs. Anjana Gosain, Advocate Delhi High Court.

Question Answers – Co-ordinated by Mr. Rajnish Kaistha

Summing up and Vote of Thanks by Mr. E.M. Najeeb, Senior Vice President, IATO

Members are requested to attend in large numbers and register in advance on the following link:-  


After registering, you will receive a confirmation on your registered email containing information about joining the meeting.

Thanking you and with best regards,


Rajnish Kaistha

Hony. Secretary