25th May 2021,

To All Members,

Sub: Webinar on  Precautions during and Post Covid on 29th May 2021 at 11 am on Zoom.

Dear Friends,

Placed below please find an email received from FAITH regarding Webinar being organised on "Precautions during and Post Covid" on Saturday, the 29th May 2021 at 11 am on Zoom,  by the senior professionals doctors.All our members are invited to join for this webinar and register in advance on the following link:-


The participation is on first come first served basis.  After registration, a confirmation email will be received on your registered email id with the joining details.Members are advised to attend in large number as topics being discussed are very important and informative.

With regards,

Rajnish Kaistha

Hony. Secretary


From: Hon Secretary [mailto:hon.secretary@faithtourismindia.in]
Sent: 24 May 2021 18:00
To: Kapil Jhingan <secretariat@faithtourismindia.in>
Subject: Webinar Alert 1 - Precautions during and post Covid.

Dear Board Members,

A Webinar is scheduled for members of FAITH member associations by professional senior doctors to be held on 29th May 11:00 AM -1230 PM. Please advise your members to register themselves for the same HERE.

The participation is on first come first served basis.  After registering, they will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Some of the topics that broadly the doctors may address are:

1.  How do tourism organisations cope with second and a possible third wave in their workplaces. 

2.  Post covid rehabilitation measures - psychological & physiological. 

3.   Prevention measures from black and white Fungus 

4.   Clarity around vaccination gaps of the vaccines. 

5.   Safety considerations for children and vulnerable population during third wave. 

More details will follow in our next alert on the doctors. 

Let us stay safe! 


Thanks & regards,

Rajiv Mehra

Honorary Secretary

Federation of Associations in Indian Tourism & Hospitality

Office : 1102, A-Block, Naurang House, 21 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001, India

Phone: +91 (11) 42709232 | Mobile:+91 8130877112 | Email:  secretariat@faithtourismindia.in